Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-3

Hello Friends ! uploading the Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-3 serves as a crucial resource for students who are diligently preparing for exams. These questions cover a wide range of topics within biology, helping students to thoroughly revise and assess their understanding of key concepts.

By practicing these questions, students can enhance their retention of biological facts, improve their problem-solving skills, and familiarize themselves with the exam pattern. Additionally, having access to a comprehensive set of biology questions enables students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus their efforts on areas that require more attention. Overall, uploading such important questions facilitates effective exam preparation and empowers students to approach their biology exams with confidence.


 Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-3

Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-3

What are the tissues in the body made of – Protein
The main component of honey is fructose.
Honey mainly contains – Carbohydrates
Vegetarians eat maximum protein – from pulses.
In the embryonic stage, the offspring die due to the formation of a blood clot inside the mother’s uterus. This disease is called ‘erythroblastosis fetalis’. The reason for this is – father being RH+ and mother being RH‑.
Where is most iron found – Green leafy vegetables
Provides maximum energy – Carbohydrate
Sea weeds are an important source of – Algae
Which blood group is the universal recipient – AB
The element present in both cement and bones is – Calcium
What is cerebrum related to – brain
Percentage of protein in soybean is – 42 percent
Sweat glands in mammals are basically related to temperature regulation.
Approximately what is the amount of CO2 in our exhaled air – 4%
Hemoglobin has maximum affinity for oxygen.
Which mineral is necessary to control heartbeat – Potassium
The heart is deprived of voluntary muscle.
What is the cause of cholera – bacteria
Avian influenza (Bird Flu) virus is denoted by – H5N1
Deficiency of which causes tooth decay – Fluorine
Barium meal is used for – X-ray of the alimentary canal
Which imaging device is used to detect kidney stones – CT scan
Deep fried foods are carcinogenic because they are rich in – fats
The toxicity of which heavy substance causes liver cirrhosis – Copper
Insufficient supply of blood in the human body is called – ischemia
Typhoid is caused by – Salmonella typhi
BCG Immunization is – For T.B
Apart from carbohydrates, there is a major source of energy in our diet – fat.
Which of these elements helps in forming blood clot – Vitamin K
BCG vaccine is suitable to generate immunity against – Tuberculosis
In the context of human anatomy, antibodies are – proteins
Jaundice is caused by the infection of – Liver
Which part of the human body does pneumonia affect – Lungs
Complete memory loss is known as – Amnesia
Which disease is not caused by water – Flu
Whose quantity decreases in anemia – Hemoglobin
The cause of small pox is – Variola virus.
The color of cow’s milk is slightly yellow due to the presence of – Carotene
Which disease mostly spreads through air – Tuberculosis
Cereals are a rich source of starch.
The radioisotope used for cancer treatment is – Co-60
Energy source for various activities of the body is – Carbohydrate
Protein is most important for the development of children up to 14 years of age.
Yellow fever is transmitted by – Aedes
The vitamin that helps in preventing infection in the human body is – Vitamin A.
ECG is – Electrocardiograph
Which disease spreads through blood transfusion – Typhoid
Deficiency of Vitamin B6 causes anemia in men.
Jaundice is a symbol of liver disease.
Vaccination against smallpox includes – live antibodies
The name of the disease in which the sugar level increases in the blood is – Diabetes Mellitus.
Which organ is generally affected by aflatoxin food poisoning in humans – Liver
The cause of Minimata disease is – Mercury
Which genetic diseases are sex-linked – Haemophilia
Japanese encephalitis is caused by – virus
Dialysis is used for people with damaged kidneys. The process involved in this is – Osmosis
The organ whose functioning is revealed by EEG is – brain.
Casein is milk protein
Due to deficiency of which element goiter occurs – Iodine
Due to whose presence milk becomes sweet – Lactose
Keeping pigs away from human habitation areas is helpful in eradicating – Japanese Encephalitis
The virus known as ‘kill and hide’ is – RSV virus.
Doctors advise that we should cook our food in oil rather than vegetable ghee, because oil contains unsaturated fats.
Cholesterol is – fatty alcohol present in animal fat
The main use of salt in diet is to produce small amounts of hydrochloric acid required for digestion of food.
Contains fat soluble vitamins – calciferol, carotene, tocopherol
How much protein should a working woman take daily – 45 grams
Anosmia is the lack of olfactory sensation.
The calorie requirement of the body increases in winter compared to summer, because more calories are required to maintain body temperature.

National Institute of Nutrition is a research institute located in which state – Andhra Pradesh
Neuroceuticals are products that have nutritional and medicinal effects.
The white color of milk is due to the presence of – Cassim
What should approximately be in a balanced diet – 1/5 protein, 1/5 fat and 3/5 carbohydrate
In what form are carbohydrates stored in plants and animals – starch and glucose
What causes a heart attack – Lack of blood supply to the heart
Where do people working get black lung disease – Coal mines
Where was the painful bone disease ‘itai-itai’ first detected – Japan
Cadmium pollution is associated with – Itai-Itai
Who is the vector of Kala-azar – Tsetse fly
Who invented the vaccine for smallpox – Louis Pasteur
White lung disease is found in – cement industry employees
The most tried medicine for AIDS virus is – Zidovudine (AZT).
Which microorganism causes hepatitis B – Virus
The main disease caused by asbestos is – emphysema.
Amla is useful in the treatment of scurvy.
BMD test is done to identify – Osteoporosis
AIDS is caused by virus
People who drink heavy amounts of alcohol die from cirrhosis.
Whose disease is causing simple goitre – Thyroid gland
The infectious stage of malaria is – sporozoite.
Which fungal disease is – Eczema
Chicken pox is caused by – DNA virus
What is called ‘Black Death’ – Plague
What causes deficiency in the human body due to dengue fever – Platelets


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