Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-4

Hello Friends ! Uploading the Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-4 is instrumental in supporting students who are committed to continuous exam preparation. These questions constitute a valuable resource that aids in comprehensive revision and reinforcement of essential biological concepts.

By engaging with this curated set of questions, students can enhance their understanding of various topics in biology, ranging from cell biology to ecology. Furthermore, practicing these questions enables students to refine their problem-solving skills, identify areas of improvement, and gain confidence in tackling diverse question formats typically encountered in exams. Additionally, the availability of a diverse range of questions helps students to gauge their readiness for examinations, thereby enabling them to strategize their study plan effectively. In essence, the upload of part-4 of the Important 500 Questions Of Biology serves as a vital tool in facilitating thorough exam preparation and empowering students to excel in their biology exams.

Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-4

Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-4


Carrot is a rich source of which vitamin – Vitamin A
Vitamin A is stored in the human body – in the liver.
Thiamine is – Vitamin B
The vitamin which contains cobalt is Vitamin B12.
The bones of the limbs get bent in children, if there is deficiency of Vitamin D.
Another name for Vitamin B2 is – Riboflavin.
A hard working man requires daily energy – 4000 Kcal
Cyanocobalamin is – Vitamin B12
The vitamin which is found in citrus fruits and is essential for keeping the skin healthy is – Vitamin C.
The best source of Vitamin C is Amla
Due to deficiency of which vitamin gums bleed and teeth start moving – Vitamin C
The chemical name of Vitamin C is – Ascorbic Acid
The vitamin that cannot be obtained from any vegetable is Vitamin D.
Which vitamin is produced in the human body in the morning sunlight – Vitamin D
What is found in abundance in the liver oil of fishes – Vitamin D
What is found in Vitamin D source – Calciferol
The chemical name of Vitamin E is – Tocopherol.
Vitamin E is especially important for – In the normal functioning of the gonads
Which vitamin is active in blood coagulation – Vitamin K
Which vitamin forms blood clot in human body – Vitamin K
Which vitamin is related to the healthy functioning of human eyes – Vitamin A
Which vitamin is soluble in water – Vitamin B
Night blindness occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin A.
Which vitamin is removed by washing peeled vegetables – Vitamin
Golden paddy contains the highest amount of Vitamin A.
Who first used the word ‘Bilology’ – Lamarck and Treviranus
Known as ‘Father of Biology’ – Aristotle
The father of Zoology is called – Aristotle
The father of Botany is – Theophrastus.
Who is called the ‘Father of Medicine’ – Hippocrates
Antibiotics are mostly obtained from bacteria
If a bacterial cell divides every 20 minutes, how many bacteria will be formed in two hours – 64
Which crop is helpful in nitrogen fixation – Legumes
What is the function of leg hemoglobin in nitrogen fixation – absorption of oxygen.
Which disease is caused by bacteria – Tuberculosis
The science which is related to the study of living beings is called – Biology.
What is studied in Phycology – Algae
Environment is studied under which branch of biology – Ecology
The bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) is – Mycobacterium.
What is studied in Exo-biology – Life in outer planets and space
Study of flowers is called – Anthology
The photosynthetic organ found in bacteria is called – chlorophyll
Cholera is caused by – Bacteria
What is the cause of tuberculosis – Bacteria
Refrigeration helps in food preservation by reducing the rate of biochemical reactions.
With the help of which biodegradable waste can be converted into useful substance – Bacteria
What makes milk sour – Bacteria
The reason for curdling of milk is – Lactobacillus
The disease caused by H.I.V is – AIDS
What is AIDS virus – a list R.N.A.
AIDS is caused by virus
The full form of H.I.V. is – Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
AIDS spreads through physical contact
What is present in virus – Nucleic acid and protein
What is SARS (A.R.S.) – Viral disease
Measles is caused by which infection – Virus
Which disease is caused by virus – smallpox
‘Foot and Mouth’ disease in animals is caused by – Virus
The causative agent of Mosaic disease in potato is – Virus.
What is Mushroom – Fungus
Which was the first isolated antibiotic – Penicillin
What causes the disease called ‘Athlete Foot’ – Fungus
Which one shows the useful functional relationship between a fungus and the roots of a higher plant – Mycorrhiza
The two classes of plants that lichens are made up of are – fungi and algae.
Litmus-acid-base indicator is obtained from lichen.
From what is solar energy obtained – Sun
Sago is made from – Cycas
Ephedrine, a medicine used in asthma and cough, is obtained from – Ephedra
Which is called a living fossil – Ginkgo
Virus grows in living cells
Which part of the plant receives the stimulus to form a flower – leaf
The reason why Kurinji flower blooms once in 12 years is – Florigen secretion
The smallest flower in the world is – Wolfia
Which is the useful part of the plant in cauliflower – fresh flower group
The largest flower in the world is – Rafflesia
From the point of view of life cycle, the most important part of the plant is – flower.
Edible part of onion is stem
Potato is – modified stem

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