Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-2

Hello Friends ! uploading the Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-2 serves as a crucial resource for students who are diligently preparing for exams. These questions cover a wide range of topics within biology, helping students to thoroughly revise and assess their understanding of key concepts.

By practicing these questions, students can enhance their retention of biological facts, improve their problem-solving skills, and familiarize themselves with the exam pattern. Additionally, having access to a comprehensive set of biology questions enables students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus their efforts on areas that require more attention. Overall, uploading such important questions facilitates effective exam preparation and empowers students to approach their biology exams with confidence.

Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-2


Important 500 Questions Of Biology part-2

Which technique is used to establish paternity of a child – DNA finger printing
Which creature has the largest number in the world – Fish
The largest flightless bird that can run at the fastest speed is – Ostrich.
The most poisonous fish is – stone fish
Where is most biodiversity found – in tropical rain forests
Medicine obtained from cinchona bark was used to treat malaria. The synthetic drug which replaced this natural product is – Chloroquine.
Excretory products of mammals are found in abundance in urine – uric acid.
Green glands are related to – excretion
A person with AB blood group is called universal receptor because his blood lacks antibodies.
At higher altitudes the number of red blood cells in the human body will increase.
The retina of the eye can be compared with which of the following parts of a conventional camera – Film
Farsightedness is caused by – Due to smallness of the eyeball.
Which part of the human throat is called Adam’s apple – Thyroid cartilage
The best source of iodine is – algae
Insulin is produced by – pancreas
Insulin is a type of hormone.
Calcium is an essential element in the formation and maintenance of cartilage and bones.
A camel survives in the desert for a few days without water. He is able to do this by using the lubricant stored in his hump.
What gives athletes quick energy – Carbohydrates
What is enzyme basically – Protein
Complete conversion of sucrose into CO2 and water in the presence of oxygen with release of energy is called – air respiration.
Tendon connects muscle to bone.
Which cell secretes insulin – beta cell
Which element is related to tooth decay – Fluorine.
By which process oxygen enters the blood during respiration and then leaves it – Osmosis.
Which vitamin is related to blood clotting – Vitamin K.
Deficiency of which causes anemia – Iron
What is the ELISA test used to test – AIDS
In order to receive a kidney from a dying person, he or she must be in a state of complete loss of neurological function.
The cover of the capsule is made of – starch
A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with which blood type in an emergency – AB or B
Which organ produces cholesterol by breaking down fat – Liver
Which substance is the hardest in the human body – talc
Which blood group is universal donor – O
Which blood group is omnivorous – AB
Which gland secretes sex hormones – adrenal gland
Which sugar provides instant energy – Glucose
What is the alternative word for womb – Uterus
As a person grows older, his blood pressure usually decreases.
When the kidneys stop functioning, which substance accumulates in the blood? – Nitrogenous waste products
The substance responsible for speeding up the process of chemical reaction in biological system is – Enzyme.
Which part of the body is affected by typhoid – Intestine
Where is the bone called tibia found – leg
What is present in teeth – Calcium
Diabetic anemia is caused by the abnormality of – Red blood cell
Apart from proteins and carbohydrates, other nutritious elements in milk include – Ca and K.
Approximately what is the number of bones in newborn babies – 206
What is the highest quantity in spinach leaves – Iron
The protozoa responsible for dysentery is Entamoeba.
Which are the two sources of food protein in abundance – soybean and peanut
The first source of protein is soybean
Protein is considered to be the building blocker of the body.
Madhusudani (Insulin) is a glycolipid.
How many bones are there in the human skull – 8
The largest part of the human brain is the cerebrum.
How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body – 12
The leg bone in the human body is hollow.
How many bones are there in humans – 206
Where is the skin thickest in humans – on the sole
The normal fasting blood sugar level in humans is – 80-100 mg per 100 ml of blood.
Approximately how many grams does the human brain weigh? – 1350
The pigment that gives color to human skin is – melanin.
In humans, in which part of the body does the sperm fertilize the egg – Fallopian tube
The normal level of cholesterol in human blood is – 140-180 mg
Which is the largest organ of human body – Lung
Which cells of the human body have the least regenerative power – Brain cells
The smallest bone in the human body is – stapes
The longest bone of the human body is – Femur.
Which part of the human body has the longest bone – Thigh
In which part of the human body are lymph cells formed – long bone
What is the average percentage of oxygen in the human body – 50%
Carbohydrates are stored again in the human body – glycogen
Which gland is there in the human body, which is related to the stimulation of the body – Adrenal gland
In the human body, the tail is attached to which structure – large intestine
The bones of the legs in the human body are – fibula and tibia.

Fat is stored in the human body – in adipose tissue
The longest bone in the human body is – femur
Which of the hormones in human body regulates blood calcium and phosphate – Parathyroid hormone
The number of chambers in the human heart is – four
The human body remains intact even under high atmospheric pressure mainly due to its presence – liquid in the cells
The medicine which increases the secretion of urine is called – Diuretic.
If a father’s blood group is A and mother’s blood group is O, then tell which group of their son can be – O.
If a man’s blood group is AB and a woman’s blood group is B, then which blood group cannot be present in their children – O
If the radius of a person’s blood vessels decreases, his blood pressure will increase.
If one parent has blood group AB and the other has O, then the possible blood group of their child will be – A or B
Blood glucose level is usually expressed in parts per million.
Which element plays the main role in blood clotting – Ca
The reason for feeling tired in the muscles after prolonged hard physical work is – depletion of glucose.
Why do human bones become weak in old age – due to calcium deficiency
The strongest bone of the body isin the jaw.


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