Understanding cell biology is paramount for students preparing for government exams as it forms the foundational knowledge for various subjects like biology, general science, and even portions of chemistry. Questions related to cell structure, functions, and cellular processes frequently appear in exams, testing candidates’ grasp of basic scientific principles. Mastery of cell-related topics aids in comprehending complex concepts in areas such as genetics, physiology, and ecology, thus enhancing overall performance in government exams which often include sections on science and biology.
Cell Related Questions Answers
1.Do humanoid organisms grow by ———–? Cell division
- Which structure found in the skin of mammals directly helps in keeping the body warm? Pigmented cells
- What are celluloses? Cellulose is non-living material, which gives definite shape to the cell
- Cellulose wall is found in whose cells? In plant cells
- In normal cells, the process of flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA is calledtranscription
- Which cell organelle in the sasymmetrical cell is obtained during the development process by lateral binding or accession of bacterial cells? Mitochondria
- What is the largest unicellular organism? Acetabularia
- The smallest vessel which is single-celled thick is called ———-? cells
- Which pair of structures are commonly found in both plant and animal cells? Endoplasmic reticulum and cell membrane
- Which chemical is present in the cells of tree bark, which makes them impermeable to gases and water? Suberin
- Colour blindness is caused by the disturbance of which cell in our body? Cone cell
- Leeuwenhoek first discovered independent living cells in ————? Pond waters
- Who is responsible for lipid discharge? Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- What is Lipid? Cholesterol and trans fatty acids are types of lipids
- When was Lysosome Discovered? Christian D. – Dwe in 1958
- The symptom of lysosomes is seen due to the presence of a large number of lysosomes? Hydrolytic enzymes
- What is the formation of lysosomes and peroxisomes? In Galjikay
- Robert Hooke discovered cells by looking into ———? In thin cork pieces
- Who discovered ribosomes? Peled in 1955 AD
- What are ribosomes called sites? Protein Formation
- What are ribozymes? RNA
- What are the groups of chemicals, which affect cell division and plant formation? Cytokinesis
- A blood clot is formed due to the presence of certain cells in the blood which is called what? Platelets
- What is the shape of the two defence cells that surround the stoma? Kidney Size
- ————- does the synthesis of RNA in eukaryotic cells take place? Nucleus
- The plasma membrane in a eukaryotic cell is made up of: Phospholipids
- Who discovered cells in the human body? Robert Hook
- How many red cells are there in the human body? Roughly 20–30 Trillion
- The number of chromosomes pairs found in the cells of the human body is: 23
- Who coined the term mitochondria? Carl Benda
- Mitochondria is a cell organelle that undertakes biochemical processes such as respiration and ———– production. energy
- Who discovered mitochondria? Altman in 1890 AD
- Is mitochondria found? In all eukaryotic cells
- British scientist ————- discovered the cell in 1665 AD? Robert Hook
- In which of the phloem are companion cells found? Angiosperms
- What is the plasma membrane/cell membrane/plasma membrane/selectively permeable membrane made up? From proteins and lipids
- What is different from prokaryotic cells? Causes of the absence of ambiguous membranes
- Prokaryotic cells are found in which animal kingdom? Monera
- Photosynthesis occurs in —————- located in the vegetative cell? Chloroplasts
- The epidermal cells of which part of the plant often leave a waxy water resistant layer? External surface only
- The cells of the pancreas which produce insulin are called: Islets of Langerhans
- Which part of plant cells is selectively permeable? Cell membrane
- Plant cell/vegetative cell wall is mainly made up of: Cellulose
- Where does DNA find outside the nucleus ? Mitochondria
- Which is the monomer for nucleic acids? Nucleotides
- Apart from the nucleus, which cell organelle contains DNA? Mitochondria
- Do gatecells surround ———–? To stoma
- Nerve cell is a part of which system of human body? Nervous
- Dendrite and axon are parts of which cell? Neurosoil
- DNA is stored prominently in the ———– of the cell? nuclear
- In living organisms, during fertilization the fusion of male and female gametes to form a cell, which is called ———-? Zygote
- By which technique can radioactive elements be detected in living cells? Auto Radiography
- Does not occur in bacterial cells? Mitochondricals
- What is the number of mitochondria in a bacterial cell? void
- Which is the most abundant substance in protoplasm? water
- What is a gene? A part of DNA
- ———— are animals in which cells are arranged in two embryonic layers? Bichoric
- ———— are animals in which cells are arranged in three embryonic layers? Trikoraki
- In which human tissue there is no cell division after birth? Nervous tissue
- In which part of the tongue are the cells for a sour taste? side
- Which parts are found in both plant and animal cells? Cell art, cytoplasm, nucleus
- Which is the largest known cell? Ostrich egg
- Which organelle is located only in plant cell/vegetative cell? Cell wall
- Which organelle is located only in the plant cell? Plastid
- Which cell produces antibodies? Lymphocytes
- Which cell organelle is present in both plant and animal cell? Mitochondria
- Which cell organelle is responsible for cellular respiration? Mitochondricals
- Which is not a property found in almost every cell? Cell wall
- Which protein protects epithelial cells from damage? keratin
- Which organism cell theory does not conform? Virus
- Which cell organelles help to keep the cell clean by digesting any foreign matter and defective cytoplasm?Lysosomes
- Which is not unicellular? Spirogyra
- Who is not a vertebrate animal? cockle snail
- Who does diploid even when he is devoid of DNA? Centriole
- Which molecules are the most abundant in cells, which make up 70% or more of the total cell mass? water
- Where does metabolism take place in cells? Mitochondria
- Who discovered cells? Robert Hooke (1665 AD)
- What is the study of cells called? The study of cells is called Cytology
- Cells which are closely associated and contained with the door cells? Subsidiary cells
- Name the scientist who proposed cell theory? MJ Schleiden and Theodore Schwann
- The word cell is derived from the word ‘cellula’ of which language, which means a small compartment? Latin Language
- Who gave the name of ‘protoplasm’ to the liquid organic matter present in the cell? JE Purkinje
- What is the tendency of the cell wall? permeable
- What is the cell wall made of? Cellulose
- Cell wall is ———- membrane, which is found above the plasma membrane? Dual membrane
- Cell identification and cell binding is the function of which saccharide polymer? Oligo Saccharide
- What is the tendency of the cell membrane? Semi permeable
- What is the cell membrane made of? Lipids and proteins
- What gives the cell a definite shape and size? Cell Wall
- In which part of the cell is the protein made? Ribosomes
- What is the digestive bag of a cell? Lysosomes
- What is known as the energy of the cell? Adenosine Triphosphate
- What is called the cell’s kitchen? Cell kitchen of chloroplasts
- Which is the controlling centre of the cell? nucleus
- The living part of a cell is called protoplasm, what is it made up of? Cytoplasm, nucleoplasm and other organelles
- Which property of a cell allows certain substances to move in and out of the cell? Plasma membrane
- What is the study of a cell called? Cytology
- When was the nucleus discovered? Robert Brown in 1831
- What is considered the material basis of life? protoplasm
- In which part of a plant are mesophyll cells found? small leaf
- The death of a cell or tissue within a living body is called. Necrosis
- Which does not have a cell wall? Mycoplasma
- Which does not have a cell? Those that do not have cells are called acellular (such as – virus, mobile phone, chair, or bed)
- Who took the cell theory further and stated that all cells are made up of precursor cells? Rudolf Virchow
- Which is considered as ‘fixed property’ in a cell?
- Which is also known as ‘Power Plant/Power House’? Mitochondria
- Due to the presence of which is the difference between a plant cell and an animal cell? Cell wall
- By which process can some substances like carbon dioxide or oxygen move across the cell membrane? diffusion
- Which cytoplasm has its own DNA and ribosomes? Mitochondria
- Which cytoplasmic organelle is considered as prokaryotic cells within eukaryotic cells? Mitochondria
- Which organelle does not have a membrane? Ribosomes
- Which organelle is called ‘atom bomb’? Lysosomes
- In which cell organ does padruvic acid break down and carbon dioxide is converted into water and energy? Mitochondricals
- Which cell organ is called the ‘suicide bag of the cell’? Lysosomes
- From which basic units can human spare parts be made? Stem Cells
- Which cells leak insulin from? β cells
- What would the cell wall of a fungus be made of? Fungi are made up of proteins.
- How many cells perform all the biological functions of life such as digestion, respiration and reproduction in single-celled organisms? From just 1 cell
- How does unicellular organism reproduce? Cell division
- How many chromosomes are there in a normal human body cell? 46 (23 pairs)
- What are the main ——- parts of a normal cell or typical cell? Three (i) cell membrane (cytoplasm), (ii) cytoplasm and (iii) nucleus
- What is a group of similar cells performing a particular function called? tissue
- A soft cell that stores cellular abiotic material is called Idioblast (bizarre cell)
- The thin layer of living cells inside the bark of a tree is called Cambium
- The entire organ of a living cell which includes cytoplasm and nucleus is known as Protoplasm
- Which material is present in the nucleus of a cell? Nucleoplasm
- A DNA has 20,000 base pairs, how many nucleotides will be present in it? 40,000
- The movement of molecules through a cell membrane from an area of high concentration to a region of low concentration is called: Active Traffic
- What are the pepsin secretory cells of gastric glands? Main cells
- What is the smallest prokaryotic organism known to date? Microplasma
- How many cells are there in an amoeba? Amoeba is a cellar.
- The presence of ————- on the surface of the endoplasmic causes it to be rough.Ribosomes
- Which base is present in place of thymine in RNA? Uracil
- Which nitrogenous base is not present in RNA? Thiamine
- What is the primary function of RNA? Protein synthesis
- RNA is a polymer molecule. What is its full form? Ribonucleic Acid
- What is the sugar found in DNA? Pentos
- What is the cause of thyamidine bipartite structure in DNA? UV rays
- Was DNA testing developed? by Dr. Alec Geoffrey
- The biheliotic structure of DNA was detected? Watson and Crick
- DNA reflects hyperchromocity on Heating
- ———– is the full form of DNA? Deoxyribonucleic acid
- Which are the largest cells in the human body?
- Which cells give rise to different organs of the plant and help the plant to grow?
- What is the ‘cell wall of algae’ made of? Cellulose and Galacton
- What is the ‘cell wall of a plant’ made of? Cellulose and pectin
- What is the ‘cell wall of bacteria’ made of? Peptidoglycan
- Are ‘genes’ made? From polynucleotides
- What is the cell wall of fungi made of? Caitin
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