Questions related to the Human Heart

Questions related to the Human Heart

  1. Who carries blood from the heart to the different organs of the body? Arteries
  2. What is the membrane that surrounds the heart called? Pericardium membrane
  3. Which instrument is used to measure the heartbeat? Stethoscope
  4. What increases the rate of heartbeat? Sympathetic Nerve
  5. Which hormone stimulates the heartbeat? Thyroxine
  6. What is a higher-than-normal heartbeat called? Tekicardio
  7. What is the instrument used to measure heart rate?  ECG (Electro Cardiogram)
  8. Which muscle is deprived of the heart? Voluntary muscle
  9. Blood pressure of the heart is measured by which instrument? Sphygmomanometer
  10. What are the functions of the heart? Pumping blood to different parts of the body
  11. What is the science related to the study of heart and its diseases called? Cardiology
  12. What causes heart mortality? Chewing Valve
  13. Heart murmur is an abnormal ——– coming from the heart, it comes due to disturbed blood circulation inside the heart? sound
  14. Common mussel fat secretes a lysis substance that can be used in heart transplantation, what is this unique chemical compound present in this substance? Di-hydroxy phenyl alanine
  15. What is the weight of an adult human heart? About 300 grams
  16. Which has the highest heart brackets? In cockroaches (13 brackets)
  17. Who started using artificial heart for surgery? Michael de Wacky
  18. Which part of the body never rests? heart
  19. What is the heartbeat rate of an adult? 70 to 80 times per minute
  20. Who performed the world’s first heart transplant? South Africa (by Doctor Christian – 3 December 1976)
  21. Who carries blood back to the heart from different organs? Veins
  22. Rheumatic heart disease is treated with the help of: aspirin.
  23. What is blood pressure (BP) high in? Answer – Ventricles
  24. What is blood pressure (BP) below normal called? Low blood pressure (hypotension)
  25. What is blood pressure (BP) above normal called? Hypertension
  26. Which gland controls blood pressure? Adrenal gland adrenal gland
  27. What is the circulation of blood in the whole body called? Circulatory System
  28. What is the study of blood called? Hematology
  29. How many chambers are there in the heart of a frog and a snake? 3 Chamber
  30. How many valve sets are there in the human heart? 4
  31. What is the human heart locked in? In The Pericardium
  32. ————— does the right side of the human heart receive blood? Impure blood
  33. What is the largest artery in the human body? Aorta
  34. How many chambers are there in the human heart? 4 Chambers
  35. How long does it take for the heart to beat once in the human body? 0.8 seconds
  36. What are the busiest muscles in the human body? Heart muscle
  37. How many times does the human heartbeat in 24 hours? 103680 times
  38. How many chambers are there in the heart of fish? 2 Chambers
  39. What kind of blood flows in the heart of fish? Impure unoxidized
  40. How many chambers are there in the heart of a crocodile? 4 Chambers
  41. By what other name is the Bame blood group known? Hh Blood Group & Rh Blood Group (Rare of the Rarest)
  42. The blood vessel that carries blood from the lungs to the heart is called Pulmonary Vein
  43. What is the second heart sound called? Dove
  44. What is the first heart sound called? tiny particle.
  45. Approximately how many times do the valves of our heart open and close each day? 1,00,000 times
  46. Who performed the first successful heart transplant? N. Bernard
  47. What is the initial pacemaker of the heart? SA Node
  48. In which branch of science is the study of blood circulation system including arteries and veins called? Angelology
  49. What does the whisper of the heart reveal? Faulty valve
  50. What causes a heart attack? Decreased blood supply to the heart.
  51. What are the brackets in Dolphin and Blue Whale? 4 Brackets
  52. What is Jorvik-7? An artificial heart
  53. When there is a contraction of the left ventricle in the human heart, the blood goes towards? Aorta
  54. Which vein brings pure blood from lungs to heart? Pulmonary Vein
  55. Who delivers impure blood to the human heart? Pulmonary Arteries
  56. Who brings deoxygenated blood to the heart from different parts of the human body? Veins
  57. Amphibians and reptiles (except crocodiles) have —— orbital heart that consists of two atria and one ventricle? the number three.
  58. Whose heart is veined? Amphibia
  59. The pressure exerted by the blood on whose walls is called blood pressure.  Arteries
  60. Who is the father of Angelology? Answer- William Harvey
  61. What is the blood pressure of a normal person? 120/80 mm hg (Systolic Pressure = 120 & Diastolic Pressure = 80)
  62. How many times does the human heartbeat normally in a minute? 72
  63. ECG represents whose activity? Cardiovascular activity
  64. What is the full form of ECG? Electrocardiogram
  65. Whose action produces the ‘love-dove’ sound? Causes of heart action
  66. What is the function of a pace-maker? Starting heartbeat








































































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