Questions related to the human brain | HUMAN BRAIN RELATED QUESTIONS |
Into how many parts is the nervous system divided into the human body? In three parts
(i) Central nervous system – brain and spinal cord
(ii) Peripheral Nervous System – Spinal nerves and cranial nerves
(iii) Autonomic Nerves – Parasympathetic System and Sympathetic Nervous System
How does the brain connect to the ——– bone from the medulla? Reed bone
Into how many parts is the forebrain divided? In two parts (cerebrum and diencephalon)
Into how many parts is the forebrain divided? In two parts (cerebrum and dienencephalon)
Who controls maximum involuntary actions? Medulla
Wrote down the functions of the sympathetic nerve? Increasing the respiratory rate, increasing blood pressure and increasing the heart rate
What is the cytoplasm of an axon called? Exoplasm
What is found in the ‘synaptic knob’ of a neuron? Neurotransmitters
What is the approximate number of neurons in the brain of an adult human being? 86 billion
Which animal has nerve cells but no brain? Hydra
Which is called the functional unit of the nervous system? Neuron
Who discovered the involuntary action? Marshall Hall (in 1837)
Which is called the ‘broadcast center’ of the brain? Thalamus
The central nervous system includes. Brain and spinal cord
Which organ is part of the posterior part of the human brain and is the regulatory center for vomiting, dreaming, etc.? Ponce
Who are the site of seeing, hearing, speaking, memory, sharpness, feelings and thoughts? Brain
Which is the part of the cranium that surrounds the brain? Cranium
Which neurons are responsible for muscle activity? Motor Neuron
Into how many parts is Diencephalon divided? In two parts (thalamus and hypothalamus)
The transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another occurs by: Synapse
What are the main parts of a nerve cell? Cyton, Dandron, Exxon
Do nerve cells conduct information through the medium? Electric Impulse
What are the structural and functional unit of the nervous system? Neuron
What is the study of nervous system called? Neurology
What is the junction between two neurons called? Synapse
Approximately how long does the sensation of sound stay in the human brain? 0.1 seconds
Into how many parts is the hind brain divided? In three parts (cerebellum, medulla oblangata and pons)
The nervous system of animals is made up of very specialized types of cells, which is called? Nephrons
Animal in which nerve cells are not found? Sponge
What is the center of intelligence, contemplation, memory, will power, voluntary motions, etc.? cerebrum
How many pairs of spinal nerves are found in human beings? 31 Pairs
Into how many parts is the nervous system divided into human beings? The Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Hormonal Nervous System (HNS)
Which part of the brain works to maintain the balance of the human body? Cerebellum
What is the largest part of the brain? Cerebrum (it is 2/3 of the brain)
Which part of the brain is responsible for hearing? Temporal lobe
Which part of the brain senses thirst, hunger and sleep? Hypothalamus
What are the hollow spaces in the brain called ———? Cavities
Which part of the human brain is mainly responsible for thinking? Fore Brain
What is the second largest part of the human brain? Cerebellum
How much does the human brain weigh? Between 1300 to 1500 grams
What is the triangular part of the human brain? Medulla oblangata
What is the membrane of the human brain? Durameter – outermost membrane, Arachnoid – middle membrane and Piameter – innermost membrane
Which instrument is used to know the function of the human brain? EEG (Electro Encephlo Graph)
Into how many parts is the human brain divided? In three parts (forebrain, midbrain and hind brain)
Into how many parts is the human brain divided? Three parts (forebrain or cerebral, midbrain and hindbrain)
How many cavities are there in the human brain? 2
Maintains the balance of all involuntary actions of the human body and actions like vomiting. Medulla oblangata
Which is the smallest gland in the human body? Pituitary gland
What is the function of carrying information from one neuron to another in the human body? Exxon
What is the length of spinal cord? 42-45 Centimeter
What is the temperature control of the body? Hypothalamus gland
What is the other name of the sensory nerve? Afferent Nerve
What is the smallest gland? Pituitary (master gland)
The cerebellum is located in which part of the brain? In the posterior part of the brain
By what other name is the cerebrum known? cerebrum
What is the protective layer around our brain and spinal cord called? Meninges
What is the largest cell in our body? Nerve cell
Hydra is the first organism in which ——– started? Nervous System
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