Most Important 1000 Biology Questions in English

 Most Important 1000 Biology Questions in English:

  • At higher altitudes, the number of red blood cells in the human body will increase.
  • Where are maximum nutrients absorbed in the blood?  – Small intestine
  • Biolysis is used to complete the process of- Renal
  • Who plays a role in converting ammonia into nitrate? Nitrosomonas
  • The part of the eye that contains the colour hole and which determines the colour of a person’s eyes is called Iris
  • The retina of the eye can be compared to which of the following parts of a conventional camera?  Film
  • Which part of the man’s throat is called Adam’s apple? Thyroid cartilage
  • Common muscle fat secretes a lysis substance that can be used in heart transplants, what is this unique chemical compound present in this substance? D-Hydroxy Phenyl Alanine
  • Rheumatic heart disease is treated with the help: aspirin
  • Iodine containing hormone is – Thyroxine
  • Insulin is produced by Pancreas
  • Insulin is a type of – hormone
  • What is the full form of ECG? Electrocardiogram
  • ECG represents whose activity. Cardiovascular activity
  • At higher altitudes, the number of RBCs in the human body will increase
  • Who has the highest heart bracket? In cockroaches (13 brackets) (13 chambers)
  • Amphibians and reptiles (except crocodiles) have —— orbital heart that has two atria and a ventricle? 3
  • What is an aquatic plant called? Hydrophyte
  • What is the rate of heartbeat of an adult? 70 to 80 times per minute
  • The normal hemoglobin count for an adult male per 100 ml of blood is – 5 gm
  • How much does an adult human heart weigh? About 300 grams
  • What is the blood pressure of a normal person? 120/80 mm Hg (systolic pressure = 120 and diastolic pressure = 80)
  • Who is the father of Angelology? AnswerWilliam Harvey
  • Azolla, blue green algae and alpha are used as Biofertilizers
  • An antigen is a substance that promotes the production of antibodies.
  • Amniocentesis is a method that describes the sex of the fetus.
  • In the presence of oxygen, the complete transformation of sucrose with release of CO2 and energy in water is called Air respiration
  • Tendon connects muscle to bone
  • The pressure exerted by the blood on whose walls is called ‘blood pressure‘ – Artery
  • Which cell secretes insulin? Pencreatic Beta cells
  • To which physiological process is prothrombin associated?
  • Whose heart is vein?  (living in water and also on land or air)
  • The pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of which is called blood pressure. Arteries
  • Which is called the graveyard of RBC – Pliha
  • What is the scientific study of insects called? Entomology
  • Quinine (malaria drug) is obtained from the bark of cinchona.
  • How are banana and coconut fruits? Cotyledons
  • The parts used for saffron are stigma and stigma.
  • Who can look forward with one eye and backwards with the other eye at the same time? Chameleon
  • Which carries blood from different organs back to the heart?  Veins
  • Which hormone stimulates the heartbeat? Thyroxine
  • Which gland regulates blood pressure?  adrenal gland
  • Which vein carries pure blood from lungs to heart?  Pulmonary Vein
  • Which muscle is deprived of the heart?  Voluntary muscles
  • Which substance is the hardest in the human body? Enamel
  • Which hormone is called ‘fight-fly hormone’ Adrenaline
  • Which gland secretes sex hormones? Pituitary Gland
  • What is synthesized in Crabbs cycle? Amino and Fatty Acid
  • What is the motive for locomotion related to? In search of food, favorable conditions and for protection for survival.
  • What is the alternative term for womb? uterus
  • Which is used to know the development of the baby in the uterus Ultrasound
  • Which hormone is injected into the udders of cows and buffaloes to remove milk?  – Oxytocin
  • The functional unit of kidney isNephron
  • Rice, wheat, maize and any kind of fruit Caryopsis
  • As a person becomes older, his blood pressure usually decreases.
  • When a foreign substance enters the human blood system, the reaction initiates – WBC
  • When there is a contraction of the left ventricle in the human heart, what does the blood go towards? The Arota
  • When the kidneys stop functioning, which substance accumulatesNitrogenous waste in the blood?
  • Genome imagery is related to the depiction of: Jeans
  • Lifesaving hormones are secreted from which glandadrenal
  • What is Jorvik-7? An artificial heart
  • What are the brackets in Dolphin and Blue Whale? 4 Brackets
  • Which is the endocrine hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine – TSH
  • What causes a heart attack? Decreased blood supply to the heart.
  • What is the initial pacemaker of the heart? SA Node
  • What increases the rate of heartbeat?  Sympathetic Nerve
  • Which instrument is used to measure the heartbeat? Stethoscope
  • What does the whisper of the heart reveal? Faulty Valve
  • What are the functions of the heart? Pumping blood to different parts of the body
  • Who performed the world’s first heart transplant? South Africa (by Doctor Christian – 3 December 1976)
  • What is the second heart sound? Dove
  • While running, the blood pressure of a person increases.
  • The part of coriander used is – leaves and dried fruits.
  • Which organ sucks the toxic substance present in digested food? The liver
  • Who performed the first successful heart transplant? C. N. Bernard
  • In which substance proteins are converted into in digestion? Acidic Acid
  • Bile is deposited in the gall
  • Bile is produced by: Liver
  • What is the study of floriculture called? Floriculture
  • What is the circulation of blood throughout the body called?  Circulatory system
  • Which is the special requirement to digest food in the stomachenzyme
  • Pepsin converts proteins into polypeptides
  • The function of a pacemaker is to start the heartbeat
  • What is the relation of Pacemaker – Heart
  • What is the function of a pacemaker? Heartbeat startling
  • In the process of photosynthesis, light energy is converted into which energy? Chemical energy
  • Where is the center of control of reflex reactions – in vertebral cord
  • What is the study of fruit science called? Pomology
  • The part of cauliflower used is fresh flower cluster.
  • The blood vessel that carries blood from the lungs to the heart is called – Pulmonary vein
  • By what other name is the Bamway blood group known? Hh blood group and Rh blood group (rarest of the rarest)
  • Who is useful in detecting landmines? Pantaga
  • What is important in seed germination? Air, humidity and suitable temperature
  • Which nutrient is predominant in Indian food – Carbohydrates
  • Which organ supplies food for the development of the embryo?  – Bijandason
  • How many chambers are there in a crocodile’s heart? 4 Chambers
  • How many chambers are there in a fish heart? 2 Chambers
  • What kind of blood flows in a fish heart? Unoxidized impure
  • Insulin is a glycolipid.
  • What is the lifespan of human red blood cells? 120days
  • How many teeth develop twice in a human lifetime? 20 teeth
  • The smallest gland in the human body is Pituitary
  • In which place is the thickest skin in human beings? Palms of the hand and soles of the feet.
  • Where does digestion begin in human beings? In the mouth
  • How many pairs of nerves originate from spinal cord in human beings? 31 pair
  • The normal fasten blood sugar level in humans is 80-100 mg per 100 ml of blood.
  • What is the approximate size of a human brain?350 to 400 grams
  • Acid X is produced in the human stomach, which helps in the digestion of food. ‘X’ is Hydrochloric acid
  • The diameter of human white blood particles (WBC) is about – 007 mm
  • The pigment that gives color to human skin isMelanin
  • In which part of the body does the sperm fertilize the ovum in humans – Fallopian tube
  • Human blood plasma usually varies in percentage of water – 80-80%
  • The pH of human blood is – 7.4
  • The normal level of cholesterol in human blood is 140-180 mg
  • Which is the largest organ in the human body? skin
  • The normal temperature of the human body is – 90 C.
  • Which gland of the human body is called ‘Master Gland’? pituitary gland
  • What is the largest artery in the human body? The Arota
  • In which part of the human body lymph cells are formed? Bone marrow
  • Blood does not freeze inside the human body due to the presence ofHypering
  • Who brings deoxygenated blood to the heart from different parts of the human body? Nerves
  • Which gland in the human body is related to the stimulus of the body? Pituitary gland
  • The process of purification of blood in the human body is calledDialysis
  • How long does it take for the heart to beat once in the human body? 8 seconds
  • In which organ most of the digestion in the human body takes place?  – Small intestine
  • The bones of the feet in the human body arefibula and tibia
  • Blood pressure in the human body is controlled by the adrenal gland
  • Where is red blood cell formed in the human body? Bone marrow
  • Which is the smallest endocrine gland in the human body?  Pineal gland
  • The longest bone in the human body isFemoral bone
  • What are the busiest muscles in the human body?  Cardiac Muscle
  • The function of the heart in the human body islike a pumping station
  • Which of the hormones in the human body regulates calcium and phosphate – Parathyroid hormone
  • How many times does the human heartbeat in? 103680 Times
  • How many times does the human heartbeat normally in a minute? 72
  • What is the human heart locked in? In the pericardium
  • The right side of the human heart receives blood?  Impure blood
  • Who gives impure blood to the human heart? Pulmonary arteries
  • Who gives impure blood to the human heart? Pulmonary arteries
  • The number of chambers in the human heart isfour
  • How many chambers are there in the human heart? 4 Chambers
  • What metal does myoglobin contain?  – Copper
  • Mainly due to its presence, the human body remains uncrushed even under high atmospheric pressure liquid in cells
  • The yellow colour of urine is caused by the presence of– Euro chrome
  • How many chambers are there in the heart of a frog and a snake? 3 Chambers
  • If the radius of a person’s blood vessels decreases, his blood pressure will increase.
  • What are yeasts and mushrooms? –  Fungi
  • Where is the purification of blood doneKidney
  • What is the study of blood called?  Hematology
  • Which element plays a key role in blood clotting? Calcium, vitamin k
  • The metal found in blood is Iron
  • What causes red color in the blood? Hemoglobin protein
  • What is high blood pressure (BP)? Answer – Ventricles
  • Antibodies are produced in blood plasma by: Lymphocytes
  • Saliva helps in digestion Starch
  • Which enzyme is found in saliva? Amylase also called ptyalin
  • Where are red blood cells (RBCs) produced Bone marrow
  • Red blood cells are produced by: Bone marrow
  • Which part of litchi is eaten – Fleshy Aril
  • Which organ stores carbohydrates in the human body in the form of glycogen? Liver and Skeletal muscles
  • Which branch of science is called the study of blood circulation system including arteries and veins? Angelology
  • Which part of the body never rests?  Heart
  • Lack of potassium in the body causes low blood pressure
  • Which is the largest endocrine gland in the body?  Thyroid Gland
  • The function of hemoglobin in the body is – transport of oxygen
  • Flax, jute, jute, etc. are the products of –plant stems.
  • The main function of white blood cells (WBC) is to maintain immunity.
  • What is the study of vegetable science called? Olericulture
  • Who started using artificial heart for surgery? Michael D. Wacky
  • Who was the first to study blood circulation system Harvey
  • Approximately how many times does the human heartbeat in a normal life span – 2 billion
  • What is called more than a normal heartbeat? Tekicardio
  • What is blood pressure above normal (BP) called?  High Blood Pressure
  • What is blood pressure below normal (BP) called? Low Blood Pressure
  • Fertilization usually occursin the uterus
  • What is obtained from the bark of the stem of the cinchona plant? Quinine is obtained
  • What changes in blood pressure while sleeping decreases.
  • Mammals produce urea in – liver
  • The sweat glands in mammals are basically related to: Temperature regulation
  • Sterilization of women is called Tubectomy
  • Blood pressure of a healthy person is (systolic and diastolic) – 120 mm and 80 mm
  • Swedana is important for To control body temperature
  • What is the amount of CO2 in the air we exhale – 4%
  • Approximately how many times do our heart valves open and close each day? 1,00,000 times
  • Which gas is used to artificially ripen green fruits? Acetylene
  • Heart murmur is an abnormal ——– coming from the heart, it comes due to the turbulent blood circulation inside the heart? Sound
  • The function of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen.
  • Hemoglobin is an important component of – RBC
  • The maximum affinity of hemoglobin is – for oxygen
  • Hemoglobin contains iron
  • What is the science related to the study of the heart and its diseases called? Cardiology
  • Which mineral is essential for controlling heartbeat?  – Potassium
  • Heart blood pressure is measured by which instrument? Sphygmomanometer
  • What is the membrane that surrounds the heart called? Pericardium membrane
  • Which instrument is used to measure heart rate?  ECG (Electro Cardiogram)
  • What causes cardiovascular mortality?  Chewing Valve
  • The heart is deprived of voluntary muscle
  • Who transports blood from the heart to the different organs of the body? Arteries
  • What is ‘Black death‘ – Plague
  • The virus known as ‘kill and hide’ is R.S.V. virus
  • Who is known as the ‘Father of Medicine’ Hippocrates
  • Known as the ‘Father of Biology’ – Aristotle
  • Who first used the term ‘Biology– Lamarck and Treviranus
  • Protein is the most important for the development of children up to 14 years of age
  • A person with AB blood group is called universal receptor, because his blood lacks antibodies.
  • AIDS spreads through physical contact
  • The most commonly used drug for AIDS virus is – Zido Vudin (AZT)
  • BCG vaccine is suitable to induce immunity against Tuberculosis
  • BMD test is done, to identifyof osteoporosis
  • ECG is Electrocardiograph
  • The organ whose function is revealed from EEG is – brain
  • What is studied in exo-biology life in exo-planets and space
  • Full form of – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • The disease caused by AIDS
  • Cereals are a rich source of starch
  • Anemia reduces the amount of – Hemoglobin
  • Television disease of eyes is caused by Shortening of eyeball
  • Which of the genetic diseases is sexually relatedHemophilia
  • The best source of iodine is Algae
  • The main use of salts in the diet is to produce small amounts of hydrochloric acid required for the digestion of food.
  • An essential element in the formation and nourishment of cartilage and bones is – Calcium
  • The camel remains in the desert for a few days without water. He is able to do thisusing the lube stored in his hump
  • A hard-working man needs energy daily – 4000 Kcal
  • How much protein should a working woman take per day? 45 grams
  • AIDS is caused by a –virus
  • The cause of AIDS isVirus
  • What is AIDS Virus A List D.N.A.
  • Antibiotics are mostly obtained from bacteria
  • What gives an athlete quick and energy Carbohydrates
  • Anosmia is called the lack of olfactory sensation
  • What is Enzyme Basically Protein
  • Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) virus is denoted by – H5N1
  • The main disease caused by asbestos is Emphysema
  • Where people working get black lung disease Coal mines
  • Apart from carbohydrates, our diet contains a major source of energy fats
  • Who is the vector of Kala-azar – Sikta fly
  • Which element is related to tooth deformity?  – Fluorine
  • Which element causes goiter deficiency Iodine
  • By which process oxygen enters the blood during respiration and then releases it?  – Osmosis
  • Poisoning of which heavy object causes liver cirrhosis Copper
  • Which vitamin is related to blood clotting?  – Vitamin K
  • Which vitamin deficiency causes bleeding gums and tooth movement? – Vitamin C
  • Which microorganism causes hepatitis B disease?
  • The presence of which causes sweetness in milk Lactose
  • Deficiency of which causes anemia diseaseIron
  • Deficiency of which causes tooth decayFluorine
  • ELISA test is done to check – AIDS
  • Milk is soured by Bacteria
  • In order to take the kidney of a dead person, in which position he should be – only the cessation of nervous functions
  • Vitamin D is a vitamin not obtained from any vegetable.
  • Casein is a milk protein
  • The radioisotope used for the treatment of cancer is – Co-60
  • Cadmium pollution is associated withItai
  • Capsule is made up of starch
  • A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with which type of blood in an emergent crisis – AB or B
  • Cholesterol is fatty alcohol present in animal fat.
  • Which disease is caused by bacteriatuberculosis
  • Which organ breaks down fat and produces cholesterol?  Liver
  • Which fungal disease isEczema
  • Which blood group is a universal donor? 0
  • Which blood group is omnipresent – AB
  • Which disease is usually spread through the airTuberculosis
  • Which disease spreads through blood transfusion? HIV, Hepatitis C, Treponema
  • Which vitamin is soluble in water Vitamin B
  • Which disease is not caused by water Flu
  • Which sugar provides instant energy Glucose
  • Measles is caused by which infection? Extremely contagious virus called Morbillivirus
  • Deep-fried foods are carcinogenic because they are rich in fats
  • Carrot is a rich source of which vitamin? Beta carotene (vitamin A)
  • The colour of cow’s milk is slightly yellow due to the presence ofCarotene
  • Which imaging instrument is used to detect kidney stones? T. Scan
  • Golden rice contains the highest amount of vitamin A
  • Doctors advise that we should cook our food in oil instead of vegetable ghee, because oil contains unsaturated fats.
  • Variola virus causes – small pox
  • Vaccination against smallpox includes live antibodies
  • Who invented the vaccine for smallpox Louis Pasteur
  • Which vitamin is removed by washing peeled vegetables? B&C 
  • Little mother (chicken pox) is born – D.N.A. By virus
  • ‘Foot and mouth’ disease in animals is caused by Virus
  • The father of zoology is called Aristotle
  • Japanese encephalitis is caused by Virus
  • The disease in which the level of sugar in the blood increases, the name of the disease is Diabetes Mellitus
  • The vitamin that contains cobalt is Vitamin B12
  • Biodegradable waste can be converted into useful material with the help of: Bacteria
  • The substance responsible for accelerating the process of chemical action in biological system isEnzyme
  • Typhoid is caused by – Salmonella typhi
  • Which part of the body is affected by typhoid? Intestinal Tract
  • In which bone called tibia is found – Leg
  • Dengue fever causes a deficiency of platelets in the human body.
  • The bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) is Mycobacterium
  • Thiamine isVitamin B
  • Where was the painful bone disease ‘Ittai-Itai’ first detectedJapan
  • What happens in the teethcalcium
  • Gastric anemia is caused by the abnormality ofRed blood cells
  • What causes a heart attack? Coronary heart disease
  • The white colour of milk is due to its presenceCasim
  • The reason why milk freezes in curd form isLactobacillus
  • Apart from pro-tin and carbohydrates in milk, other nutrients include Ca and K
  • Dialysis is used for individuals with defective rentals. The process involved in it is osmosis
  • What is the approximate number of bones in a newborn – 206
  • Which crop is helpful in nitrogen fixation? Beans, Peanuts and Soya
  • What is the function of Leghemoglobin in nitrogen fixation absorption of oxygen
  • Pneumonia disease affects which part of the human body? Lungs
  • Nutraceuticals are products that contain nutritional and medicinal effects
  • Environment is studied under which branch of biology Ecology
  • Which is the highest in spinach leaves Iron
  • Yellow fever is transmitted by – Aedes
  • Jaundice is a symbol of liver disease
  • Jaundice is caused by – Liver
  • The study of flowers is calledAnthology
  • Complete amnesia is known by which word? Amnestic syndrome
  • Protozoa responsible for dysentery disease is – Enter amoeba
  • In which form are carbohydrates stored in plants and animals? In plants- starch, In animals- glycogen
  • Which are the two sources of abundant edible protein soybean and peanut
  • Refrigeration helps in food preservationby reducing the rate of biochemical reaction
  • Which vitamin is produced in the human body in the morning sunlight Vitamin D
  • The first source of protein is Soybean
  • Protein is considered – the builder of the body
  • What is studied in Phycology Algae
  • In children, the bones of the organs become twisted, if there is a deficiencyvitamin D
  • BCG immunization is for Tuberculosis
  • Barium meal is used – for x-ray of alimentary canal
  • The photosynthetic effect found in bacteria is called Chromatic
  • People who drink alcohol in large quantities die – from cirrhosis
  • Fish liver oil is rich in Vitamin D
  • How many bones are there in the human skull? 29 bones
  • Which vitamin is related to the healthy functioning of human eyes?  – Vitamin A
  • The largest part of the human brain is Cerebral
  • How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body? 12 pairs
  • The bone of the foot in the human body is hollow.
  • Which organ is commonly affected by aflatoxin food poisoning in human beings? – small intestine
  • How many bones are there in a human being – 206
  • The infectious stage of malaria isSporozoites
  • Which cells in the human body have the least regenerating power? –  Brain Cells
  • The smallest bone in the human body isStapesis
  • The longest bone in the human body isFemur
  • Which part of the human body has the longest bone? -The femur in the thigh
  • What is the average percentage of oxygen in the human body – 50%
  • Carbohydrate reuptake takes place in the human bodyGlycogen
  • In which structure is the tail attached in the human body?  The coccyx
  • Which vitamin is made of blood clots in the human body? Vitamin K
  • Insufficient supply of blood in the human body is called ischemia
  • Fat is stored in the human bodyadipose tissue
  • Vitamin A is stored in the human body in the liver
  • Vitamin A that helps prevent infection in the human body is Vitamin A
  • In the context of human anatomy, antibodies are Proteins
  • cause of Minamata disease Mercury
  • The drug that increases the secretion of urine is calledDiuretic
  • If a bacterial cell divides every 20 minutes, how many bacteria will be formed in two hours – 64
  • If the blood type of a father is A and that of the mother is O, then what class can be of their son? -A or O
  • If one parent has a blood type AB and the other has O, their child’s probable blood type is – A or B
  • Which of the following ingredients helps in blood clotting?  – Vitamin K
  • Blood glucose level is generally expressed in parts per million
  • Which vitamin is active in blood coagulant?  – Vitamin K
  • National Institute of Nutrition is a research institute located in – Andhra Pradesh
  • Muscle fatigue experienced after prolonged strenuous physical work is due to glucose depletion.
  • The father of botany is Theophrastus
  • Fat-soluble vitamins are calciferol, carotene, tocopherol
  • The science that is related to the study of living organisms is called Biology
  • Vitamin A deficiency is caused byNight blindness
  • Another name for vitamin B2 is riboflavin
  • Vitamin B6 deficiency causes anemia in men
  • The chemical name of Vitamin C is Ascorbic acid
  • The best source of vitamin C is Amla
  • What is found in Vitamin D surgeons? –  D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (Cholecalciferol)
  • The chemical name of Vitamin E is – Tocopherol
  • Vitamin E is especially important for – In the normal function of the penis glands
  • Vitamin C which is found in citrus fruits and is necessary to keep the skin healthy, is Vitamin C
  • What is in the virus nucleic acid and protein
  • Why do human bones become weak in old age? Hormonal changes
  • The calorie requirement of the body increases in winter than in summer, because more calories are required – to maintain body temperature
  • Carbohydrate is the source of energy for various activities of the body.
  • The strongest bone in the body is jaw
  • What is the formation of tissues in the body? Assembling of cells
  • The main constituent of honey is fructose
  • Honey mainly contains – carbohydrates
  • Vegetarians eat maximum protein from pulses
  • White pleural disease is found in – the employees of cement industry
  • In the embryonic stage of the offspring, death occurs due to the formation of a blood clot inside the uterus of the mother. This disease is called ‘erythrobbal stosis fitalesis‘. The reason for this isfather’s RH+ and mother’s RH
  • What should be the approximate value of a balanced diet – 1/5 protein, 1/5 fat and 3/5 carbohydrate
  • Which is the most iron found in Green leafy vegetables
  • Simple goiter is a disease caused by Thyroid gland
  • Provides the most energy Carbohydrates
  • Cyanocobalamin is – Vitamin B12
  • Marine weeds are an important source ofAlgae
  • Universal Recipient belongs to which blood class – AB
  • SARS (A.R.S.) What is Viral Diseases
  • The element present in both cement and bones isCalcium
  • Keeping pigs away from human habitation helps in eradicating – Japanese encephalitis
  • What is the cerebrum related to? -Initiate and coordinates movement and regulates temperature.
  • The percentage of protein in soybean is – 42 percent
  • Amla is useful in the treatment of scurvy diseaseAmla
  • Which mineral is essential for controlling heartbeat?  – Potassium
  • What causes cholera Bacteria
  • Which deposition causes the corners of cells of Collenchyma tissue in the plant to thicken – cellulose and pectin
  • ‘Ecomark’ is given to Indian products that are environment friendly
  • What is the disease called ‘athlete’s foot’ caused byFungus
  • Who used the word ‘gene’ for the first time?  – Johansson
  • Who coined the word ‘gene’? Mandel
  • ‘Genetics’ is the study ofHeredity and variance
  • Considered as ‘World Heritage Forest’ Beautiful Forest in West Bengal
  • The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is 4 kcal
  • 13- Chamber is in the heart – cockroach
  • What is the degree of vision of a person with one eye? Answer: 150°
  • The substance found in more than 80% of the cell is water
  • DNA fingerprint is used to identify rapist, parent, thief
  • Who gave the Double Helix Model of DNA Watson and Crick
  • A student sitting in the last row has difficulty in reading the blackboard, which visual impairment is this student suffering from? Answer – Short Sightedness
  • What does the sky look like to travelers flying at high altitudes? Answer: Black color
  • When light of extreme intensity falls on the eye, the size of the pupil becomes? Answer- Small
  • The most dangerous effect of excessive deforestation issoil erosion
  • How do most insects breathe through the venereal system
  • Most desert plants flower only during the night because desert insects are active during the night.
  • By changing the focal length of your lens, you can see a distant or near object clearly, what is this property of the eye called? Answer: Adjustment capacity
  • Which type of lens in the glasses of a person with astigmatism eye defect prevents defects? Answer: With cylindrical lens
  • What type of lens is eye lens? Answer – Convex lens
  • Is the focal length of the eye lens changed? Answer – By Ciliary Muscles
  • The ability of the eye lens to adjust its focal length is called Answer: Adjustment capacity
  • The process of adjustment in the eye lens is carried out by Answer – Lateral muscles
  • Where are the different signals interpreted? Answer: In the brain
  • Controls the amount of light entering the eye. Answer – Iris
  • What is the behavior of the eyes? Answer: Like a convex lens
  • In which part is the image formed in the eyes? Answer – Retina
  • Why does the sky appear blue? Answer: Due to more scattering of blue light
  • Genetic mutation occurs – chromosomes
  • With the increase in age, the adjustment capacity in the human eye decreases, what is this defect called? Answer: Minor vision impairment
  • Archaeo pteryx is the connecting link between which classes of animalsreptiles and birds
  • Archaeopteryx is the oldest bird of the Jurassic era
  • The causative element of mosaic disease in potato is Virus
  • Potato ismetamorphic stem
  • What is the main function of the inner bark of a woody plant – transporting food from leaves to other parts of the plant.
  • An artificial ecosystem is represented by the aquarium
  • What does the whole world look like to a person with one eye? Answer – Two-dimensional shape
  • A prism divides the white light of the sun into how many colours? Answer: In seven colors
  • The minimum land required for the complete sustainability of a human being is called Ecological Footprint
  • A colour blind man marries a normal woman. Symptoms of colour blindness will arise  in the sons of his daughters.
  • The chances of sons having colour blindness in children of a colour blind man and normal woman is 0%
  • What is the far point for a normal eye? Answer- Anant
  • What is the nearest point for a normal eye? Answer- 25 CM
  • How many chromosomes are there in a normal human cell – 46
  • Epiphytes are highly evolved plants that depend on others for mechanical support
  • Amphibians are animals that can live on both land and water
  • Ozone affects human health by causing severe pulmonary disease at such concentration – 9.0 ppm
  • Kapot produces milk Bird
  • When light with low intensity falls on the eye, the size of the pupil becomes ———–? Answer- North- Big
  • In which visual defect is the image of an object formed in front of the retina? Answer: In nearsightedness
  • In which defect of vision does the crystalline lens of the eye become cloudy opaque? Answer – Cataract in vision defect
  • Which plant is called ‘Herbaceous Indian Doctor’Amla
  • The bark of which tree makes the spice rich in nitrogen?  – Cinnamon
  • Some species of which types of organisms are employed as biopesticides? bacteria
  • In which crop Azolla Anabiya biofertilizer is used Rice
  • Which Indian scientist proposed the theory of long-distance transport of water in plants? C. Bose
  • Which lens can be used to correct long sightedness? Answer – Convex lens
  • Which vegetable food has the maximum protein?  – Soybean
  • Which group of organisms is important in detecting death due to drowning?
  • Which snake has food mainly other snakes Nagraj
  • Due to the presence of Chameleon, the chameleon changes colorChromatic
  • Due to the presence of which is the difference between a plant cell and an animal cell? – Cell wall
  • The science of heredity was called ‘genetics’ by – Watson
  • What is the part of the eye on which the image of an object falls is called? Answer- Retina
  • Some desert lizards expel their faeces in a dry shape. How does it helpadaptation of organisms according to the environment
  • The reason why the kurinji flower  blooms once in 12 years is – Florigen Strava
  • Keel is not found in – Duck
  • There is a structure behind the cornea, which is a set of black colored muscles,- is it? Answer – Iris
  • Which type of eye defect occurs due to defect in cornea i.e. it is not perfectly spherical? Answer- non-pointlessness
  • The suicidal sac of the cell is called Lysosome
  • Who lays eggs and does not directly lay children? – Echidna
  • Which is called a living fossil Ginkgo
  • Which one represents a useful functional relationship between the roots of a fungus and higher plants?  – Mycorrhizae
  • Which agricultural activity is environmentally suitableOrganic farming
  • Which part changes into elephant’s elephant toothSecond rodent
  • Which crop makes the soil rich in nitrogen?  – Peas
  • Which sick person can never donate eyes? Answer- People suffering from AIDS and brain disease
  • Which sick person can donate eyes? Answer- People suffering from diabetes
  • Chromosomes contain – DNA and proteins
  • Wheat, barley, lemon, rye, orange and millet belong to three plant families
  • The main function of Golgikaya isSecretion
  • The only snake that builds a nest isKing Cobra
  • What is sandalwood tree considered – partial root parasite
  • Organisms at the base of the grazing food chain areProducers
  • Chipko movement was originally against Deforestation
  • Chilgoza is obtained from the seeds of which one speciesPine
  • Which cells are not present in the retina of a chick? Answer- Cone cells
  • Roots are positive geotropism most
  • When looking at a near object, the ciliary muscles contract and the shape of the eye increases. Answer- Goal
  • When the ciliary muscles of the eye relax, the focal length of the eye lens becomes —–? Answer- Growing
  • When plant diversity is corroded in a natural habitat, this conservation is called in-situ
  • When we eat goat meat, we are secondary consumers
  • Fish die when taken out of the water because they can’t breathe
  • The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called- beautification
  • From the point of view of life cycle, the most important part of the plant isFlowers
  • Biofuel is obtained from the seeds of – Jatropha
  • Dinosaurs wereMesozoic reptiles
  • Dinosaurs were reptiles that became extinct
  • Darwin Fichinze is used for which group For birds
  • The bihelix format of DNA was first proposed by Watson and Crick
  • What is a sea creature called dugong which is on the verge of extinction?
  • Turpentine oil is obtained from Pine
  • The sustainability of pooled ecosystems depends on producers and consumers
  • Releasing insects in ponds and wells helps in controlling mosquitoes Gambusia
  • Ephedrine, a drug used in asthma and cough diseases, is obtained from Ephedra
  • The transition zone between two different communities is called the ecotone
  • Coriander contains useful ingredientsleaves and dried fruits
  • The plants that give birth to both male flowers and female flowers are called hermaphrodites.
  • If the ciliary muscles of the eye are relaxed, then —— does the eye lens become? Answer- Thin
  • The flightless bird found in New Zealand is Kiwi
  • The red, orange and yellow colour of the leaf is due to Carotenoids
  • An example of abiotic component of environment is air
  • The organization is basically related to environmental planning – NEERI
  • The first clone animal ‘Dolly’ was – Sheep
  • The panda also belongs to the same family as the bear.
  • Phytotron is a facility by which it is possible for plants to grow under controlled conditions.
  • What is the cycle of elements in an ecosystem called? -Biogeochemical cycling
  • The concept of ecological Nike was propounded by – Greenels
  • What should be the proportion of forest area in India to maintain ecological balance? – 33.3%
  • The scientific name of Pavo Christaceus isPeacock
  • Which chromatic combination is responsible for malevolent maleness – XY
  • The largest ecosystem on earth is Hydrosphere
  • The largest living bird on earth isOstrich
  • Where is the penguin bird found – Antarctica
  • The green substance found in the leaves of trees is called Chlorophyll
  • Which part of the plant receives the stimulus to flower? Young leaves
  • The process of preparing plant and tree food is called photosynthesis
  • The edible part of the onion isstem
  • The process of photosynthesis arises from CO2, water and chlorophyll
  • Which gas is necessary for photosynthesis – CO2
  • Photosynthesis takes placeonly during the day
  • The main factor that determines the balance of nature is human activities
  • What was the first deed antibiotic – Penicillin
  • DNA was first synthesized in the laboratory Khorana
  • Who is the closest relative of modern humans among primatesGorilla
  • The ophthalmic stabilizing bacteria found in the nodules present in the roots of leguminous plants are Rhizobium
  • Pheromones are found in insects
  • Which is the useful part of the plant in cauliflower? The inflorescence
  • The chromosome responsible for determining the sex of children isFather’s
  • The left aortic arc is visible in: Mammalian
  • Which is one of the main causes of ecological imbalance in IndiaDeforestation
  • Which region is famous for mangrove cultivation in India?  West Bengal
  • Where is the Forest Research Institute located in India?  – Dehradun
  • The largest fish in India isWhale Shark
  • The insectivorous fish used to control mosquitoes is Gambusia
  • Bees have drons:   fertile males
  • Humans can maintain ecological balance in the biosphere by Developing new varieties of related plants and new breeds of domesticated animals
  • Which chromosome will be found in a human being to give birth to a child – Y for man and X for woman
  • Male chromosome combination in human beings is – XY
  • Sap is a – curry plant
  • What is MushroomFungus
  • The qualities of parents are transferred to their offspring by By chromosomes
  • The human heart is- Myogenic Heart
  • Soil erosion can be prevented by afforestation
  • What will be the impact of global warming on mangrove forestsvast areas of mangroves will be submerged
  • Mammoths are the ancestors of the elephant
  • If all the plants in the world die, then all the animals will also die due to lack of oxygen 
  • Where is the National Botanical Park located?  – Lucknow
  • Plants grown in deserts are called Xerophytes
  • The Red Data Book gives information about those castes which are endangered
  • Lichens are made up of two classes of plants – fungi and algae
  • The enzyme present in lysosomes which has the ability to dissolve or destroy protoplasm is called Hydrolytic enzyme
  • Litmus is obtained from a lichen
  • The litmus-acid-base indicator is obtained from lichens
  • A person with colour blindness will see red colourgreen
  • The only bird that flies backwards Humming bird
  • The pigment which protects the plant from the side effects of violet rays is Phycocyanin
  • A mammal that becomes like a ball at the time of alarm signalThorn rat
  • Grass is classified into:  A type of plant
  • Which of the following is aimed at ex situ conservation of different species? Maintenance and breeding of endangered plants and animal
  • Asia’s top predator on the brink of extinction is – Dhol
  • The fastest growing water plant in the world is water hyacinth.
  • The largest flower in the world isRafflesia
  • The virus grows – in the living cell
  • How many chambers are there in the heart of a whale? 4 (Crocodile, ostrich, pigeon, bat and whale)
  • How many bones are there in a shark – 0
  • Which technique is used to establish paternity of the baby – DNA finger printing
  • What is the source of water in vascular plants?
  • The smallest flower in the world isWolfia
  • The largest ecosystem in the world isSea
  • Which is the largest animal in the world? –
  • The largest flightless bird that can run the fastest is Ostrich
  • The most poisonous fish isStone fish
  • The most stable ecosystem is the sea
  • Where is the highest biodiversity found – tropical rain forests
  • What is Sago made from? –
  • Social forestry is – the cultivation and rearing of useful plants on cooperatively owned land
  • Where is the commonly used spice clove obtained from?
  • The drug obtained from the bark of cinchona was used for malaria treatment. The synthetic drug that replaced this natural product is chloroquine
  • Which is the biggest fixation of solar energy?  – Green plants
  • What is the source of solar energy?
  • Excretory products of mammals are found in abundance in urine uric acid
  • The study of spermology is- seeds
  • Green glands are related to: Excretion
  • Hashish is obtained from the plant. State from which part of the plant it is obtained – from the discharge of stem and male inflorescence.
  • Hydroponics is related to the growth of a plant without soil.
  • Hydrophyte is called an aquatic plant
  • What is the study of ‘flying organisms’ called? Answer- Aerobiology
  • What is the study of ‘skeleton’ called? Answer- Osteology
  • What is the study of ‘fungi’ called? Answer – Mycology
  • What is the study of ‘kidney’ called? Answer- Nephrology
  • What is the study of ‘the study of insects’ called? Answer- Entomology
  • What is the study of ‘structure of cells’ called? Answer – Cell biology
  • What is the study of ‘cells’ called? Answer- Cytology
  • What is the study of the ‘skull’ called? Answer- Chronology
  • What is the study of ‘lizard’ called? Answer- Psoriology
  • What is the study of ‘animal behavior’ called? Answer- Ethics
  • What is the study of the ‘nervous system’ called? Answer- Neurology
  • What is the study of ‘teeth’ called?  Answer- Odontology
  • What is the study of ‘nucleus’ called? Answer- Cryology
  • What is the study of ‘birds’ called?  Answer- Ornithology
  • What is the study of ‘plants without soil in water’ called? Answer – Hydroponics
  • What is the study of ‘trees and shrubs’ called? Answer- Dendrology
  • What is the study of ‘plant’ called?  Answer – Measurement
  • What is the study of ‘fruit’ called?  Answer- Pomology
  • What is the study of “flowers” called? Answer- Anthology
  • What is the scientific name of ‘Boss indicus’?  Answer- Cow
  • What is the study of ’embryonic development’ called? Embryology
  • What is the study of ‘fish’ called? Answer- Ethology
  • What is the study of ‘bee’ called? Answer- Apiculture
  • What is the study of ‘human beauty’ called? Answer- Cutology
  • What is the study of ‘soil management’ called? Answer- Agronomy
  • What is the study of ‘sericulture called’? Answer- Sericulture
  • What is the study of ‘Shevalo’ called? Answer – Phycology
  • What is the study of ‘snakes’ called? Answer- Ophiology
  • What is the study of ‘microorganisms’ called? Answer – Microbiology
  • What is the study of ‘breasts’ called? Answer- Mastology
  • What is the study of the heart called? Answer- Cardiology
  • What is the study of “flowers” called?  Answer- Anthology
  • Who gave the Four World classification in 1956?  Answer- Copeland
  • What are flowering plants called, which develop fruits to preserve the seeds? Answer – Angiosperm
  • How many seconds does the image remain on the retina even after the object is removed? Answer- 1/10 S
  • What is the full form of DDT? Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane
  • Are flowering plants kept? Answer- In CryptoGames
  • Are amoebas unicellular organisms or multicellular organisms? Answer – Unicellular
  • Into how many groups did Aristotle divide all living organisms? Answer – In two groups (animal group and plant group)
  • Who is known as the father of modern classification? Answer – Linium
  • What is the study of heredity called? Answer- Genetics
  • Are amphibia organisms deterministic or non-variable? Answer – Infinite creatures (frogs)
  • What is a round bacterium called? Answer- Cox
  • What is a spiral bacterium called? Answer- Spirylum
  • What is apla toxin made in? Answer- Fungi
  • Are kabures deterministic or impermanent? Answer – Warm Blooded
  • What are the cell walls of fungi made of? Answer – Chitin
  • In which are mulberry leaves used? Answer- Sericulture
  • Which is used as organic manure? Answer – Potassium
  • Who is called the father of taxonomy? Answer – Linium
  • Nucleus art and nucleus are present in: Answer – Eukaryotic cell
  • What is the shape of the coccus bacterium? Answer- Spherical
  • Which organisms have the same temperature as the environment around them? Answer – Cold blood organism
  • Into how many classes are the cells divided? Answer – 2 in class (Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Cell)
  • Which is an oilseed crop?  Answer- Sunflower
  • Which is a pollution indicator plant? Answer – Lichen
  • Which blood group is omnipresent? Ans. AB
  • Which blood group is the donor? o
  • Which organism has a bicellular heart? Answer – Fish
  • Which rice variety is a famous bioparent? Answer- Basmati
  • What is the name of fungus that grows on dung? Answer- Coprophilous
  • What is the study of grass called? Answer- Agrostology
  • Are bats cold blood organisms or warm blood organisms? Answer- Warm blood organisms
  • Which animal is the largest phylum?  Answer – Arthropoda
  • When the lateral muscle of the eye contracts, the focal length of the eye lace? Answer: Ghat
  • Why does a slight farsightedness occur because the ability of the eye to adjust is ——? Answer: Ghat
  • Which lens can be used to correct Farsightedness? Answer – Bifocal lenses
  • The lower part of the bifocal lens used in farsightedness is made of which lens? Answer – Convex lens
  • The upper part of the bifocal lens used in short distance vision is made of which lens? Answer- Concave lens
  • A person with slight farsightedness is treated with which type of lens. Answer- Bifocal
  • What causes geriatric vision defect? Answer: Due to reduced ability of the eye
  • According to biological classification, which class falls in the category between fish and reptile classes? Answer – AmphibiaBoth Water and Land
  • Who discovered the bacterium? Answer- Leeuwen hook
  • Bacteria, blue-green algae are present in which world? Answer- Monera
  • What is the simple shape of bacteria? Answer – Rods
  • Which is used as bactericide? Answer- Neem
  • Which bacteria are the smallest in size called? Answer- Golanu
  • What happens in the eye which cannot see distant objects clearly? Answer – Nearsightedness
  • The eye which cannot see the near object clearly is present in that eye? Answer – Farsightedness
  • Thelophyta and Bryophyta belong to which kingdom? Answer: Plant kingdom
  • What object cannot be seen clearly by a person with long sightedness? Answer: Objects placed near
  • In Long Sightedness, the focal length of the eye lens is ———-? Answer- Growing
  • What causes long sightedness? Answer: Excessive focal length of the eye lens
  • Is it used for the prevention of long-sightedness? Answer – Convex lens
  • What is the cause of visual impairment? Answer: Shortening of the eyeball
  • Vision defect can be corrected using which lens? Answer – Convex lens
  • Where is the image of an object formed in the eye of a person with farsightedness? Answer- Behind the retina
  • Can eyes with farsightedness see clearly? Answer: Distant objects
  • Which colour has the maximum wavelength in visible light? Answer- Red
  • The defectless eye can easily see the object placed between 25 cm and infinity, what is the distance between it called? Answer – Vision Complex
  • What is the rendering of binary system? Answer – Linium
  • Which crop helps in nitrogen fixation? Answer – Pulses and pods
  • Which lens is used to correct nearsightedness? Answer- Concave lens
  • Which object cannot be seen clearly by a person suffering from myopia? Answer: Items kept far away
  • What causes nearsightedness? Answer: Longing of the eyeball
  • What causes nearsightedness? Answer: Increased curvature of the eye lens
  • A nearsighted person cannot see clearly objects more than ——- meters away. Answer- 2 meters
  • ——– does the distance of the eye lens decrease in nearsightedness? Answer- Focus distance
  • Where is the image of an object formed in the eye of a person with nearsightedness? Answer- Before the retina (forward)
  • What are the glasses of a person with nearsightedness? Answer: Concave lenses
  • Which blue green algae are used like single cell protein (SCP)? Answer- Spiru Linea
  • What is the condition called if the crystalline lens of the eye becomes milky and curly? Answer – Cataract in vision defect
  • On which part of the eye is the image of an object formed? Answer: Retina
  • What is the diameter of the eyeball? Answer: About 3 cm
  • Can you see when the eyeball is round? Answer: Near objects
  • What is the age limit of a person who donates eyes? Answer:  Between 10 years to 60 years
  • Is there an image made of an object in the eye? Answer: Real, upside down and small
  • Most of the light rays entering the eye are refracted. Answer: On the outer surface of the cornea
  • Which ‘vision defect’ occurs due to excessive focal length of the eye lens? Answer: Farsightedness
  • Nerese and leech belong to which phylum? Answer- Annelida
  • The screen is a soft microscopic membrane containing which type of cells are found in large numbers. Answer: Light Sugrahi
  • Xylem tissue in plants is responsible for Answer: Transport of water
  • Who controls the size of the pupil? Answer: Iris
  • Flowering plants are kept? Answer- Fanrogames
  • In which of the following is a fully developed nucleus? Answer – Eukaryotic cell
  • Do the leaves of the tree look green because it reflects? Answer- Green color
  • What is Penicillin? Answer- Fungi
  • Penicillin is obtained from fungi. Who discovered it? Answer- Alexander Fleming
  • Pebrin is a disease of: Answer- Silkworms
  • Plant disease ‘Citrus Cacre’ is caused by: Answer – Bacteria
  • What is the function of phloem in plants? Answer: Transport of food from leaves to other parts of the plant
  • Light enters the eye through a thin membrane, this membrane is called? Answer- Cornea
  • What is the primary colour of light? Answer – Red, Blue and Green
  • ————– are there in photosynthetic Protista cells? Answer – Chlorophyll
  • Who coined the word Protist? Answer- Ernest Heckle
  • Organisms of kingdom Protista are unicellular and ——- living organisms in water. Answer- Eukaryotic
  • Reproduction takes place both sexually and ——– in the organism of Protista kingdom. Answer- Asexual
  • What is the link between the organisms Monera and Plantae and fungi and ———— of the kingdom Protista? Answer – Animalia
  • What is the Plasmodium parasite of Protista kingdom called? Answer- Malaria parasite
  • Which gas is used to artificially ripen fruits? Answer – Acetylene
  • What is the scientific name of goat? Answer- Kepra hircus
  • In dim light, whose sagging causes the pupil to dilate completely. Answer: Iris
  • Mosquitoes belong to which phylum? Answer- Arthropoda
  • Human eyes can easily see near and far things, which of the following is the reason for this? Answer- Accommodation
  • What is the approximate horizontal field of vision of one eye of a human being? Answer: 150°
  • What is the maximum contaminated area of both the eyes of a human being? Answer: 180°
  • The human eye can focus objects at different distances by adjusting the focal length of the eye lens. What is the reason for this happening? Answer: Adjustment
  • Which image of the human eye is not sensitive to light at all? Answer- Blind point
  • Which point of the human eye is most sensitive to light? Answer- Yellow Point
  • What is the lens present in the human eye? Answer – Convex lens
  • Which type of lens is found in the human eye? Answer – Convex lens
  • What is the number of human blood group? 4
  • What is the function of blood bank in human body? Spleen
  • What is studied under Mycology? Answer- Fungi
  • Within how many hours should the eye be removed for eye donation after death? Answer- Within 4 to 6 hours
  • To which persons are the ‘driving license’ granted to drive a motor vehicle? Answer: Those who are not colorblind
  • Are the animals of the Monera kingdom autotrophic and ———? Answer: Heterotrophic
  • Into how many classes are the animals of the Monera kingdom divided? Answer- In 4 classes (Caucus, Vasilus, Spiral, Vivrio)
  • —— are there nuclei in animals of kingdom Monera? Answer- Absent
  • Is there aerobic or ———- exploitation in animals of the Monera kingdom? Answer- Anaerobic
  • What are the cells in the life of the Monera world? Answer – Prokaryotic cell
  • From which species of Mollusca is commercial pearl obtained? Answer- Pinectida
  • If the image of an object is formed behind the retina, then the person is suffering from which visual defect? Answer: Farsightedness
  • What color would the sky appear if the earth had no atmosphere? Answer: Black color
  • It is a metal found in blood. iron
  • Blood pressure is measured by Sphygmomanometer
  • Does the retina convert light? Answer: In an electric signal
  • What is the study of resistance to diseases called? Answer- Immunology
  • What would a red rose look like if it were seen in a green light? Answer- Black
  • Which color will get light when red and blue light mixes? Answer- Magenta
  • Which color light will be produced when the red and green squares of light meet? Answer- Yellow
  • Litmus is derived from. Answer – Lichen
  • Linium in his book ———– divides all living organisms into two parts. Answer- Systema Naturae
  • When did Vatikar present the classification of the five worlds? Answer: In 1959
  • The natural system of classification was presented by which botanist? Answer- German
  • What is the basic unit of classification? Answer- Species
  • Vermicompost is considered an eco-friendly manure, which is obtained? Answer: Earthworms
  • Vermicompost is used in compost preparation? Answer- Earthworm
  • What is the shape of Vasilus bacteria?  Answer – Rod-like
  • What is the approximate time difference between the actual sunset and the apparent sunset? Answer: 2 minutes
  • Into how many classes are organisms divided according to Vitika? Answer – 5 classes (Monera, Process, Plants, Fungi and Animals)
  • When did Vitier present the classification of the five worlds? Answer: In 1959
  • Who generates electrical signals? Answer: Light Sugrahi
  • What is the shape of Vivarium bacteria? Answer- Like chroma
  • Prey animals have two eyes located in opposite directions on their heads, so they have field of vision. Answer- Maximum
  • What is the study of algae called? Answer – Phycology
  • What are the largest unicellular organisms? Answer- Wallonia ventricose
  • What is the largest ovules? Answer- Sykes
  • Are all fungi always there? Answer – Diversified
  • Who first studied the blood circulation system? William Harvey
  • What is the image formed on the retina of the normal eye? Answer- Real and upside down
  • What changes blood pressure while sleeping? Ans. Decreases
  • What is the shape of spiral bacteria? Answer – Kundal Numa
  • What is the time interval of firmness of vision in our brain?  Answer- 1/16 S
  • Is turmeric used?  In skin related diseases
  • What are Hydrophytes?  Answer – Aquatic plants
  • “RBC) What is called the ‘cemetery’? – Spleen
  • A person with blood group AB is sometimes called a universal blood donor because his blood lacks antibodies.
  • To which blood group can be given to a person with AB blood group? – All blood group people
  • The name of the Rh factor is related to a type – monkey
  • Formation of WBC and destruction of RBC occurs in the spleen
  • A person from unknown blood group crashes seriously and needs an immediate blood transfusion. Which one of the following blood classes readily available in a hospital is safe to use for blood transfusion? O
  • What is the lower cause of anemia? Hemoglobin
  • Anemia is caused by the deficiency of: Folic acid
  • Anemia is caused by the deficiency of which disease? Iron deficiency
  • Why does nose bleeding occur in high mountain regions? Blood pressure in cells is higher under external pressure
  • The basic characteristic of antigens is – they induce the formation of antibodies
  • What is the pH level of blood in a normal person – 7.35–7.45
  • Which blood group will be found in the children of a couple whose class is A and B respectively? —A, B, AB and O
  • What is the liquid fraction of blood without corpuscles called? Plasma
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning mainly affects which of the following – Ability of blood to carry oxygen
  • The pressure exerted by the blood on whose walls is called blood pressure. – Arteries
  • Scientists of which country have created an artificial blood which is a type of plastic blood that can be given to a patient without considering the type?
  • In which organism’s protoplasm does hemoglobin merge – Earthworm
  • Which blood group does not contain antibodies? Ans. AB
  • In which blood group do both antibodies are found? Ans. o
  • In which blood group no antigen is found? Ans. o
  • A person with blood group O can take blood from which blood group? Ans. O class
  • The pressure exerted by the blood on the arteries is defined as Ans. Blood pressure says
  • What percentage of plasma is in human blood?   Ans. 60%
  • What is the percentage of water in plasma? Ans. 90%
  • With the help of which oxygen is carried by blood?   Ans Lohit cells
  • Due to the presence of which blood does not freeze inside the body?   Ans. Heparin
  • How much blood can the heart pump in 1 minute?   Ans. 4.5 Ltr
  • In which organism was the element Rh detected?   Ans. In a monkey called rhesus
  • What is the lifespan of platelets?    Ans. 3 to 5 days
  • What is the lifespan of white blood cells (WBCs)?   Ans. 2 to 4 days
  • What is the lifespan of red blood cells?   Ans. 120 days
  • When did Karl Landsteiner get the Nobel Prize?  Ans. 1930 AD
  • Who discovered the human blood group?  Ans. Karl Lendsteiner
  • If a father’s blood type is A and mother’s blood type is O, what blood type can their son have?  Ans. O class
  • What is the effect on human blood pressure while running?  Ans. Blood pressure increases
  • Where is pulse rate measured from?   Ans. From the artery
  • When a foreign substance enters the human blood system, the reaction is initiated. Ans. WBC
  • In which physiological process thrombin is related – Blood clotting
  • In whose presence does blood clot not occur in the blood vessels? – In the presence of heparin
  • With the help of which oxygen is carried by blood? – Lohit cells
  • Which blood class is called universal recipient? —”AB”
  • Which vitamin is essential for coagulation of blood? Vitamin K
  • Which condition is a condition of delayed blood coagulation?Hemophilia
  • As a person gets older, his blood pressure usually –rises
  • When a foreign substance enters the human blood system, which initiates the reaction? – White blood cells
  • When the concentration of oxygen in the blood decreases, the speed of breathing – increases
  • What is the normal range of thrombocytes in the human body? Blood plates
  • During sleep, the blood pressure of a person -decreases
  • What does the term ‘Rh factor’ stand for? – Rhesus factor
  • An antigen is a substance that –stimulates the formation of antibodies
  • Per mass is a substance that –stimulates the immune system
  • What happens per person? Stimulus for antibody formation
  • Immunity (infectivity) is most closely related to lymphocytes
  • The percentage of water in plasma is -90%
  • What is the effect on the red blood cells of a human being at very high altitude?Their number increases
  • The average blood pressure of a human being is 120/80.
  • What is the main cause of variation in human blood? Antigen
  • What is the normal blood sugar level of a human being? –120-150 mg/kg Daisley
  • What is the normal blood pressure of a human being? -80/120 mm Mercury
  • What is the approximate percentage of plasma in the total blood volume of a human being? 60%
  • The diameter of the human white blood cells (WBC) is about −0.007 mm.
  • What is the pH of human blood? –7.4
  • The cause of viscosity of human blood is – proteins in the blood
  • What is the difference in the percentage of water usually in human blood plasma? -80-82
  • The normal level of cholesterol in human blood is: –180-200 Mg%
  • What is the insufficient supply of blood in the human body? – Ischemia
  • Alum stops bleeding when minor cuts are made, the reason is: – Skandan
  • What is basically the Rh factor? – An antigen (antigen) immune response
  • If father’s blood type is A and mother’s O, then what blood type can their son have –O
  • If the radius of a person’s blood vessels decreases, his blood pressure will increase.
  • What is the result if the wrong type of blood is given to the person?   –RBCs are synthesized
  • What is blood pressure high in? – In the arteries
  • Who controls blood pressure? –    adrenal gland
  • What is the name of the blood cell essential for coagulation? – Platelets
  • Which vitamin is active in blood coagulation? – Vitamin K
  • Which organ in the human body regulates blood pH? – Kidney
  • A person in the category AB of blood can donate blood to a person who has blood type: —AB
  • What is the main function of blood corpuscle ‘lymph cells ‘? – Resisting diseases
  • The enzyme involved in the conversion of fibrin to fibrin in blood clot formation is — Thrombin
  • What do you say about the study of blood? – Hematology
  • The cause of blood clotting is: –Thrombin
  • Blood glucose level is commonly expressed as – milligrams per deciliter
  • Which is the instrument to measure blood pressure – Sphygmomanometer
  • The oxygen-carrying protein in the blood stream is: – Hemoglobin
  • Who discovered blood circulation? – William Harvey
  • What metal is found in blood? — Iron
  • In what form is the sugar found in the blood mostly present? – Glucose
  • What is the anticoagulant substance in the blood? – Heparin
  • What causes red color in blood – Heamoglobin
  • What does blood do in the body – carries oxygen throughout the body
  • Groups discovered by – Cal Landsteiner
  • Blood consists of a connective tissue
  • The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called: – Sphygmomanometer
  • Antibodies are produced in blood plasma by: Lymphocytes
  • The presence of excessive amount of white blood cells in the blood is called in the language of pathology Leukemia
  • Who discovered the blood class? Landsteiner
  • Which component of blood is called the protective cell of our body? – White blood cells
  • A person with blood group A can donate blood to people of which blood groups who are safe? –A & AB
  • Blood coagulation is caused by which protein? – Phadrinogen
  • The vitamin that helps in blood coagulation is: – Vitamin K
  • What is the process of formation of red blood cells called? – Eryschiosis
  • Lymphocytes produce cells antibodies
  • What is the average lifespan of red blood cells? -100-120 days
  • Red blood cells are mainly formed in the bone marrow
  • The color of red blood cells (R.B.Cs.)  is – due to hemoglobin
  • Red blood cells are produced by: – Bone marrow
  • What is the normal number of RBCs in an adult male? -5.0 million
  • What is the normal number of RBCs in an adult male? -5.0 million
  • A person with class AB blood can take the blood of a person whose blood group is. any class
  • The main function of white blood cells in the body is: – To protect the body from diseases
  • The function of hemoglobin in the body is – transport of oxygen
  • Who protects us from infection – W. B .C 
  • What is the main function of a white blood cell (WBC)? Ans. Possessing immunity
  • What is called the graveyard of RBC? Ans Spleen
  • Where are red blood cells produced? Ans. bone marrow
  • By what name are red blood cells known? Ans. Erythrocytes
  • Antibodies are produced by which in the plasma of the blood:  Lymphocyte
  • What is the total amount of blood in a healthy human body?  Ans 7% of body weight
  • What is the pH value of human blood? Ans. 7.4
  • What is the process of purification of blood in the human body called? Ans. dialysis
  • What causes the red color of blood? Ans. Heamoglobin
  • Which blood cells carry clean blood from the lungs to the heart? Ans. Pleural vein
  • What is the ratio of RBC to WBC in the human body? Ans. 600:1
  • What percentage of glucose is in plasma?  Ans. 0.1%
  • The main function of white blood cells is to hold immunity
  • What is the smallest blood vessel called? – Cell
  • What is the average amount of blood in the human body? – Five to six liters
  • Which blood class belongs to the universal class? —AB
  • What is the blood group of a universal blood donor? – Ο
  • What is an instrument called sphygmomanometer used to measure? – Blood pressure
  • The blood pressure of a healthy person (systolic and diastolic) is -120 mm and 80 mm.
  • What is the normal blood sugar limit of a healthy person in mg. -70-100
  • The pressure of blood in our body is – higher than atmospheric pressure
  • Universal donor blood class is – Ο
  • What is the main function of hemoglobin? – Oxygen carrying
  • What is the important component of hemoglobin? – Red blood cells
  • What is Hemoglobin – A substance found in human blood
  • What is hemoglobin? – Protein
  • Which element is mainly present in hemoglobin? – Iron
  • The arteries that supply blood to the heart are called – Heart arteries

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